Tuesday, February 24, 2009


It's been since Feb 9th? sheesh! Time flies when you are having fun or not. This is what I have been doing:
Yup, the Bohus. I am done with the yoke finally and it's been exciting. Sometimes 4 colors per row and you have to actually read the numbers on the yarn. duh. I panicked once when I ran out, but it was an operator problem. I don't know why I thought #102 looked like #177.

Birdie says hi from her sunbeam.

Work has been consuming most of my energy while I have had the flu. ugh. This flu is the same one that I have had twice before, but I got through it without a sinus infection nor pneumonia. I did stay home one day and was in bed most of the day. Today, a breakthrough. I have my own voice back instead of the code in my hed one. Still coughing a little, but I see the end. It just lasts a month, no matter what you do.

I have also been spinning. Well, mostly plying. I had a big basket of yarn spun that needed to be plyed and so I whipped it out on the trusty Louet. I will be travelling with that wheel in April to a retreat where I hope I can spin as much of 4 dye exchanges as I can. This reads as well, maybe one dye exchange. The last few have been 2 pounds each. The last one I spun was the reds. I have blues, yellows, a multi color one from years ago and the new one that is everyone doing 3 colors and most of the exchangers did it in the pot like I do my dyeing. Lots of great colors!! Oh, what am I spinning? Some pretty dark chocolate alpaca that will be plyed with the Black Hills Gold yarn from the Crosspatch girls.

Somehow, I might have bought another wheel on eBay. How does that happen? This one needs work and I love to do that. And actually, I have Mr. Judy interested and he's been cleaning up some pieces. He's doing a great job too. The wheel is a Swiss wheel reportedly from Austria, but I think maybe from Switzerland. It has a distaff that is still dressed with flax. I don't know how old the flax is, but it looks old and there is a little bit of linen spun on the bobbin. It will be fun to spin on and might be for sale although Mr. Judy says not. He wants me to keep it. If he has the room at his house, then maybe. ha!! He doesn't have any idea how this addiction starts. heehee

So, life goes on here and I am now going to go knit and listen to President Obama. (and thank the gods that it's not that other #@** in office now--I am still feeling pretty good about living through the last 8 years even though some things are completely messed up)



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